IoT Market Outlook|2015 Taiwan Seminar
- 2015/10/21
- 5337
- 448
Stephen Su, General Director of IEK, was invited to share “IoT Market Outlook” at the “SMART X: When...
Stephen Su, General Director of IEK, was invited to share “IoT Market Outlook” at the “SMART X: When...
IEK 自 2013 年起每年發表主題式專刊,定名為 IEKTopics,用意期能針對台灣各界大眾,引領前瞻產業與技 術相關議題,為台灣產業發展提出關鍵建言。 2013 年《逆轉勝 台灣先進製造的新動力》專刊,提出如何提升台灣製造業的附...
COMPUTEX TAIPEI has become the largest computer exhibition in Asia and the second largest in the world.Stephen Su, Gene...