- 2018/05/01
- 8437
- 208
ITRI IEK observed and analyzied potential materials from two ways: One is observing the demand of the future world, the other is looking the developing materials in advanced countries and the derivative materials from the core technologies. The future demands from “electric vehicles in cities”, “long-distance transportation of goods and foods” and “recycling materials” extended the demand of materials like the “lightweight composites”, “packaging materials extended shelf life” and “Renewable plastics” are the potential items.
Observing from the advanced countries, the “niobium carbide”, “High-performance secondary batteries”, “biomaterials for tissue reconstitution” are important items. The 3D printing, MGI and AI technologies will change the application, development and production methods.
關鍵字:Potential Materials(潛力材料)、Japan Science and Technology Agency,JST (日本科學技術振興機構)、phonon (聲子)、World Premier Materials, WPM (世界先進材料計畫)、3D printing(3D列印)、Materials Genome Initiative, MGI(基因戰略計畫)、AI(人工智慧)
- 一、前言
- 二、全球大趨勢變動下未來受重視的材料需求
- (一)日本科學技術振興機構(JST)
- (二) 韓國十大重點材料開發計畫項目
- (一)3D列印技術帶動高結構強度材料的發展
- (二) MGI技術將大幅縮短材料開發時程
- (三) AI將大幅應用於工廠進行「數位管理」
- IEKView
- 圖一、未來潛力材料觀測與分析之方法
- 圖二、全球大趨勢帶動的材料需求
- 圖三、JST發表之「全球技術發展趨勢」
- 表一、韓國十大重點材料開發計畫項目
- 圖四、WACKER公司發展之3D列印用彈性材料
- 圖五、美國ORNL實驗室運用3D列印技術印製的碳纖複材電動跑車
- 圖六、材料、化學工廠可應用AI技術的領域