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        POP REPORT熱門文章






        The development trend of AI in sports technology
        • 2021/12/24
        • 1887
        • 12

        Artificial intelligence (AI) empowers the sports industry to establish a service workflow centered on data analytics and forecasts. AI algorithms provide fast and accurate analysis to effectively boost athletes’ performances. According to the report by MarketsAndMarkets, the sports technology market reached US$15.7 billion in value in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic and is expected to grow to US$40.2 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 17.5%. The four primary AI applications in sports technology are talent recruitment, training programs, virtual judging and injury prevention. This paper introduces two international benchmarks in the use of AI for sports health management and injury prevention. The two companies in the case study are Zone7 and Catapult. Zone7 uses an AI platform for better prediction accuracy of sports injury risks and hence effective prevention of injuries. Catapult combines wearables and its AI platform to monitor the health and training of athletes and to boost the performance of teams. Hopefully these case studies will shed some light on the trend of smart medicare development and inspire the innovation of sports tech services in Taiwan.
