FGlobal Lead-Acid Battery Market Development Status Global Lead-Acid Battery Market Development Status 2011/09/20 11119 398 呂學隆 訂閱(0) 全選 取消選取 確認訂閱 3C與新興應用關鍵零組件電池應用市場、技術與產業趨勢電子產業供應鏈上游材料石化與新材料 #battery #growth #product 1.The product that has the largest share of the electric storage device market 2.The starter battery for automobiles and motorcycles is still the major application 3.The production zones are concentrated in Mainland China, and the United States 4.Key operation factors—low cost, market trends, and product demand from the downstream market 本文為免費文章,請您登入後使用。 本文檔案Global Lead-Acid Battery Market Development Status.pdf398次 下載檔案 推薦閱讀