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        POP REPORT熱門文章





        Opportunities in Taiwan’s Industrial Robotics Industry in 2015 from the Development Trends of the Manufacturing Industry Part I
        Opportunities in Taiwan’s Industrial Robotics Industry in 2015 from the Development Trends of the Manufacturing Industry Part I
        • 2014/12/12
        • 2418
        • 56


        • Key Abstract
        • I. Global market scale of the automation intelligence industry from 2014 - 2020
        • II. Market scale of the automation intelligence industry in key industrial countries
        • III. U.S will be a major manufacturing nation in the future
        • IV. European Union’s “SPARC” Plan
        • V. IEKView


        • Figure 1 Current development trends of the manufacturing industry in key industrial countries
        • Table 1 Categorization of Industrial Controls Technology and Factory Automation Equipment
        • Figure 2 Scale of the Global Industrial Controls and Factory Automation Market from 2013 to 2020
        • Table 2 Tabulation of scale for the respective industrial control technology and factory automation equipment market (Unit: Billion)
        • Figure 3 Curve diagram for scale of industrial control technology and factory automation equipment market
        • Figure 4 Differentiation of factory automation equipment types
        • Figure 5 2013 – 2020 global market scale of the automation intelligence industry in key countries
        • Figure 6 Important development policies for the manufacturing industry in the U.S. in recent years
        • Figure 7 SWOT Analysis on the U.S. manufacturing industry
