- 2024/03/26
- 13378
- 177
Stephen Su, Senior Vice President of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) delivered the presentation of “Building Resilient Society with Innovative Technology Solutions” at the annual meeting of the heads of the world's largest applied research organizations (RTOs International Network, RIN) under EARTO (European Alliance of RTOs). The RIN CEOs Meeting was held in Taiwan for the first time on March 26-27, 2024. With the heads of top international RTOs from 12 countries gathering in Taiwan, Stephen as the chairman of RIN who led discussion to jointly advocate that international RTOs from various countries should work together to establish a close partnership, accelerating the building of a "Resilient Society" to create a better future world.
Key points from Stephen’s presentation:
Global Trends: Short-term shocks and long-term stresses impose impacts on social stability and sustainable development!
- Short-term shocks – Extreme Weather & Technological Acceleration
- Long-term stresses – Erosion/Corrosion & Aging/Low Birth Rates
- Definition of “Resilient Society”: The ability to improve society with risk prevention, control, absorb, response, recover, and transformation
RTOs can collaborate to build “Resilient Society”:
Proactively reinforce resource sharing
- Share research facilities, data, expertise to accelerate innovation process, reduce duplication, and improve the quality and efficiency of research
Proactively reinforce resource sharing
Continuous and dedicated RD&I resource to support long-term cross-border collaboration
- Adequate annual allocation of base funding with autonomy