- 出版日期:
- 2025/02/01
- 出版頁數:
- 175 頁
- 出版編號:
- AGT114(104)
- 定 價:
NT$ 5,000 - 售 價:
- NT$ 5,000
- 點數兌換:
- 1 點
- 模 組:
- IC產業,IC元件與技術,IC應用與市場,3C與新興應用關鍵零組件,顯示器、感測技術與應用,電子產業供應鏈上游材料,石化與新材料,健康照護,車輛零組件之科技與商機
- 作 者:

This book provides information on clusters at different spatial scales, including regions, living circles, and counties, as well as detailed analyses of cluster characteristics by industry category. The industry categories are analyzed using two approaches: "Standard Industrial Classification" and "Industrial Characteristics Classification." The former is based on data from Taiwan’s Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, while the latter references the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ economic statistics system. This publication calculates cluster indicators through "revenue" and "number of establishments," integrating the location quotient to assess the significance of specific industries in each county. Additionally, hotspot analysis is employed to examine the spatial agglomeration of industries, enabling readers to gain a comprehensive understanding of regional industrial distributions and their development potential.
- Northern, central, southern, and eastern Taiwan
- Seven major living circles
- Industry clusters in northern, central, southern and eastern Taiwan
- Seven major social circle industry clusters
- Industry clusters in cities/counties
- Overview of Taiwan’s key featured industry clusters
- Science parks
- Technology industrial parks
- Industrial parks
- Ports of free trade zone, agricultural biotechnology parks, and environmental protection technology parks
- Population
- Academic and research resources
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- 【郵局劃撥】劃撥帳號:19614730;劃撥戶名:財團法人工業技術研究院。
- 【銀行匯款】匯款銀行:土地銀行工研院分行;匯款帳號:156005000025;匯款戶名:財團法人工業技術研究院。
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