2021 IEKTopics|Grasping the Future Trends of LEO Communication Satellites Industries

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Enhancing the R&D capabilities of the LEO communication satellite industry.

Starting from 2014, new satellite operator SpaceX and others announced the LEO constellations projects. The LEO communication technologies are expected to be combined with mobile and wireless communication technologies and applications in the future to create a seamless IoE environment that covers land, sea, and air. The projects should generate new business opportunities and models, and lead satellite communications into a new chapter.

Taiwan has complete supply chains in industries such as semiconductor, ICT, and precision machinery. The Space Development Act passed in Taiwan also provides additional support to the development of related technologies and industries. However, it should be noted that at the moment there is not a global standard for the LEO system and Taiwanese businesses fall short in the deployment of core technologies. Therefore,  the industries, academia, public and research sectors must work together to cultivate domestic teams with independent technology R&D capabilities for LEO key components and terrestrial receiving systems. Relevant trade shows and business opportunity matching events can increase the exposure of domestic industries to international LEO-related businesses so that the strategic goal of establishing Taiwans satellite communication industry as a main global supplier of LEO terrestrial communication equipment and key components can be achieved.


Case 1

  • Linking Strategy: Expanding the satellite market from household use to maritime applications.
  • Major Actions: Leverage Mutual Strengths


Case 2

Case Title: Universal Microwave Technology
  • Linking Strategy: Extending business opportunities on the ground for LEO satellite communications from mobile communications.
  • Major Actions: Leverage Mutual Strengths
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