2021 IEKTopics|Realizing the Net Zero Carbon Vision

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Net zero emission is the global trend.

At the 2015 COP 21, 195 countries unanimously passed the Paris Agreement, forming the latest global carbon reduction framework and demonstrating the global consensus on carbon reduction actions. Actualizing the concept of letting countries set their own carbon reduction goals, the UK announced in 2019 that they have included the promise of reaching net zero emissions by 2050 into their Acts. This is also when the term “net zero emissions” officially appeared. So far, 130 countries have announced the year they expect to reach the net zero emission goal, gradually laying out a more apparent carbon reduction progress.

The carbon reduction trend has generated two driving forces among the industries: consumers expect the businesses to fulfill their CSR, and carbon emission regulations will have impact on operation costs. Taiwanese enterprises should set sustainability as their core value and create role-model cases, create common good for suppliers, and increase local value. They should also show their determination to reduce carbon emissions to the international market and facilitate more innovation R&D collaborations to enter the carbon reduction market early on in order to maintain long-term competitiveness.


Case 1

  • Linking Strategy: Providing comprehensive renewable energy integration services and working on enhancing local capacities.
  • Major Actions: Leverage Mutual Strengths, Attract Foreign Investments, Achieve Common Goals


Case 2

Case Title:  Oright
  • Linking Strategy: Pioneering the zero-carbon role model and increasing Taiwans visibility in the international arena.
  • Major Actions: Leverage Mutual Strengths, Pioneer for Role Model, Achieve Common Goals


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