2021 IEKTopics|Pandemic Stimulates Industry Transformation Business Opportunities in Emerging Regions

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Current Development Status of Industries in Emerging Regions.

Heavily impacted by the global COVID-19 pandemic, New Southbound Countries (countries targeted by Taiwans New Southbound Policy) are seeing an increasing demand for digital technology applications due to mobility restrictions.

Each country is rolling out policies to speed up the development of digital technology applications. For example, Vietnam launched the National Digital Transformation Project which prioritizes eight major industries (medical care, finance, industry, etc.). Indonesias Digital Blueprint 2021~2024 highlights the developments of digital infrastructure, digital government, digital economy, and digital society. Malaysia rolled out MyDIGITAL which focuses on speeding up digital infrastructure and digital transformation among the public and businesses.

In the future, Taiwan and New Southbound countries can collaborate on digital smart solutions. For countries that emphasize digital infrastructure and the publics digital capabilities, we can work on 5G infrastructure and applications, smart city solutions, hard/software and applications of online learning. For countries that emphasize Industry 4.0 and national digital transformation, Taiwanese enterprises can collaborate with local system integrators or telecom companies to establish partnership in smart manufacturing, digital finance, and remote medical care.

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