2021 IEKTopics|Helping Semiconductor Equipment Businesses Enter the Global Market

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The objective is to enter the global semiconductor equipment market.

In 2020, Taiwans semiconductor equipment market ranked number two in the global equipment market; however, it is worth noting that Taiwan relies on foreign manufacturers for most of its equipment. Thus, in terms of short-term strategies, Taiwan can leverage our verification fields and strong comprehensive ecosystems to attract foreign manufacturers to invest and produce in Taiwan. For long-term strategies, domestic businesses still need to fully grasp the pain points of their clients to reduce production line costs, increase yield, and boost production capacity to create new opportunities for equipment development.

In recent years, semiconductor equipment markets are gradually spreading out to different advanced countries. Taiwanese manufacturers can connect with the international market through industry-academia collaboration projects, foreign investors, and expanding service locations. In the future, they can also improve smart manufacturing tools, apply for international certifications, and offer customized flexible manufacturing to expand add-on value such as additional services and smart machinery. If the government can establish a subsidy scheme with different levels for crucial equipment, leverage Taiwans semiconductor verification fields advantages, and accurately match demand with supply, it will effectively increase the procurement rate of domestically-made equipment among leading manufacturers and consequently boost the possibility of marketing the products to the world.


Case 1

Case Title: STEK
  • Linking Strategy: Focusing on the key points and solving pain points - marketing mask inspection equipment globally.
  • Major Actions: Leverage Mutual Strengths, Expand Global Deployment, Establish R&D Collaborations

Case 2

Case Title: M&R Nano Technology
  • Linking Strategy: Offering total lithography solutions to develop additional overseas markets.
  • Major Actions: Leverage Mutual Strengths, Establish R&D Collaborations



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