2021 IEKTopics|Electric Vehicles Are Creating New Opportunities for the Global Automobile Industry

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The electric vehicle industry is driving new business opportunities.

The carbon reduction and net zero carbon emissions/carbon neutrality goals set by national governments and corporations have become a strong support for the development of electric vehicles industry, and the transition from petrol to electricity in vehicles is a good chance to reshape the automobile industry.

The electric vehicle industry in Taiwan needs to fully develop key technologies, set up testing environments, upgrade components manufacturing to systems integration, and increase the competitiveness and added value of products/services. Leading corporations have to break through the limited domestic market and leverage Taiwans local technology R&D centers to drive overseas business opportunities for domestic upstream manufacturers. Possible actions include participating in the establishment of international standards and early testing venue proofs of concept. Taiwanese corporations may also collaborate with partnering countries/corporations and develop beyond existing international supply chain structures through methods such as whole factory export/system platforms. Furthermore, corporations should go beyond their current product R&D and marketing strategies, and they should realize global environmental sustainability concepts and set up green supply chain benchmarks and brand images.

Case 1

  • Case Title: Master Transportation Bus Manufacturing
  • Linking Strategy: Using electric buses to move towards the net zero carbon emission goal.
  • Major Actions: Leverage Mutual Strengths, Expand Global Deployment, Achieve Common Goals

Case 2

  • Case Title:  Delta Electronics
  • Linking Strategy: Leveraging international experiences to promote green transportation systems.
  • Major Actions: Leverage Mutual Strengths, Enhance International Participation, Expand Global Deployment, Establish R&D Collaborations, Provide Testbed Venues, Pioneer for Role Model, Achieve Common Goals
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