2021 IEKTopics|A New Industry Strategy to Integrate the Entire Nation

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Current Development Status of Japanese Industries.

Recently, the Japanese Government has been focusing on promoting nationwide integration policies rather than development strategies for single industries. Government policies highlight the technological innovation and R&D, and talent training of emerging advanced technologies, including Beyond 5G, quantum computers, next-gen semiconductors, AI, biotech medical care, materials, environment and energy, and health-related areas.

The government is also rolling out green society and digitization policies to stimulate new growth in Japan. In terms of returning supply chains, the focuses are on digital and green industries. Digitization is the common objective of the Japanese Government and businesses. Digital tools are leveraged to revitalize regional economy and close the gap between cities and rural areas. Eventually, the goal is to kick off the “job and resident migration” trend in rural areas. Local governments play an important role in realizing the goal of decarbonization as well. According to the Local Decarbonization Strategy Map, Japan must set up at least 100 Pioneering Decarbonization Zones which generate and supply green energy.

Digitization is the foundation for all industries. It can solve issues related to green growth, local revitalization, low birth rates, and aging societies. In terms of semiconductor and green energy developments, we can look forward to complementary collaborations between Taiwanese and Japanese businesses.

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